Renovate Bot - Keeping my things current

Keeping my things current wiht the renovate bot
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Let’s Encrypt Certificates in OpenShift via ACME Webhook using Hetzner DNS

Let’s Encrypt Certificates in OpenShift via ACME Webhook using Hetzner
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Wildcard Routes for Service Mesh Ingress

For my lab, I usually don’t need a specific route pointing to the istio ingress gateway. Neither do I need, for most scenarios, app-specific gateway definitions. Without gateway injection (available in service mesh 2.3), the routes would have to be created in the same namespace where the “standard” ingress gateway is deployed, or another SMCP-managed gateway. So, I here’s the setup for a wildcard route and respective istio configs, that is generic, as are my use cases / small apps.
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Istio - EnvoyFilter to strip headers from response when no Ingress Gateway is used

Istio - EnvoyFilter to strip headers from response when no Ingress Gateway is used
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Small Testing App for Istio

A tiny little app for testing with istio
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